I must apologize for the unmitigated disaster of our last club’s meeting. In theory it should of worked well. Unfortunately, it didn’t. First of all I want to make it clear it was not because of our presenter, Allen Kurth. Allen, Kathleen and I did a test run on line and it worked out excellently. If we all had been on the Zoom call and not in person it would have worked out. I am reminded how well it went when Peter did his presentation during a Zoom only meeting . Thank you to Allen for trying.
First of all, the wireless internet connection was terrible. Next, was the lack of good audio volume for those of us that attended the meeting live at the forest. And our digital projector’s display was not large enough for us at the forest to see clearly enough of what Allen was doing. And lastly it was my fault for not anticipating the troubles we experienced at the meeting. It was clearly a waste of your time to attend this meeting. That is on me and I am sorry. If we try this again, I recommend that the next president do a Zoom only meeting.
Thanks to Kyle, Brent, and Kathleen for their help with the meeting.
March 17, 2022 Photo Club Meeting.
Jay Davis will be our guest speaker and will do a presentation on Architectural and Commercial photography. Jay is another past president of the club. Jay’s website has information about Jay and Jay’s business.
We will attempt to do an in-person meeting and a zoom call at the same time. We will have Jay’s laptop connected to our projector and we will have Kyle on the camera looking at the projector’s display screen.
We may have Jay share his screen with the zoom participants for better visuals.
Camera for Sale
From Alan Brodin:
I am in the process of converting to Mirrorless cameras and am starting to sell off some of my DSLR equipment. I have a Nikon D500 in Like New condition with less than 12,000 shutter releases with a battery grip I am selling for $1,000. I have all the original box, packaging, charger, and battery. See attached. I will also have 2 Nikon D750’s to sell once my new Z9 gets here. Please contact the webmaster for Alan's contact information if you are interested.

Field Trip
Would any of you be interested in a Zoom only meeting? And if I can get Allen to agree to show us what we attempted to do at the last meeting, perhaps we can have a successful presentation. This would be on a different night from our regular 3rd Thursday of the month. Think of it as a field trip on line. Please comment below or contact your webmaster if you would like to participate.
Allen was attempting to give us some help post editing photos at the February meeting. Photoshop can be as easy as you need or as hard as you make it. I find myself in the middle. The video below has a lot of info for the 13 minute length. I recommend you pause the video at each subject and have your Photoshop program loaded and play with the tool shown, then move on.
YouTube is a resource with hundreds if not thousands of tutorials for learning Photoshop.
I have a goal to be able to take out a person in a photo and insert a different person in place of original person. What are yours?
That’s It
I will close for now and hope for better times to be achieved for all of you. Please leave a comment below on what you thought of today’s post.
Don’t be so hard on yourself, xxxx happens, Next time it may, or may not work, we all need to just go with the flow. I drive 20 miles across town to come and I will do it again, no problem.
Linda Schuett
Thank you Linda
The Devil’s in the Details. Sometimes things just happen.
Not being perfect, I never hold others to that impossibly high standard. The point was to show members what is possible. Since the meeting I, ordered a new computer that will accept the updated downloads of PS and LR.
Phil, as you know, the root problem with the zoom call was the poor and unpredictable internet connection at the Forest. The club has absolutely no control over that piece of the puzzle. It has worked in the past, and there was no reason to think there would be a problem. You, Allen and Kathleen did a test zoom meeting. There is really nothing more that could be done to prepare. Thank you all for your efforts!