Will be an in person and a Zoom meeting combined. I would like to see all of you at the meeting in person. I understand those of you who are still skittish to attend in person, will Zoom.
This posting is somewhat delayed. I am still working on a speaker for February 17 meeting. Judy wants you to bring your sunrise/sunset photos to the meeting. She also need you to work on your animals with hooves.
Photo Displays
Bring your sunrise/sunset and animals with hooves to the February meeting. Forest is requesting that photos displayed at the forest be taken in the forest. I think this limits us somewhat because it doesn’t allow for our members to shine and display their talents across the board. And some of us old timers not physically able to handle those hills. I hope to work something out with the forest executives. Kathleen had a great idea. We could display photos of the raptors from past photo shoots. I don’t think 18 photos of the vulture would be too interesting. We would need to mix it up.
Bellevue Times
We have posted meeting info at the Bellevue Times calendar. www.BellevueTimes.com . One of the most powerful features of the new site is the Bellevue Community Calendar. Finally Bellevue has an easy to navigate, one-stop-shop for all of our Community events. I’d like to invite you or someone from your group to add some of your future events to the calendar – even if they are months away. It is easy to do. Just go to this link to get started:https://www.bellevuetimes.com/events/community/add/
January meeting 1_20_2022
Below is a YouTube video of our Zoom Meeting. Click on the link or hit play on the arrow below.
A Comment on our Zoom Meeting
Just wanted to let you know that even though I was not feeling well, I feel like I learned helpful pointers on everything from what to focus on as a suitable subject to how to lighten gray snow. That picture of the frost on the window was such a terrific example of how simple and often overlooked subjects can be unexpectedly beautiful. I think once members get more familiar with the format, they will offer more suggestions. But there were several really good suggestions, and you did a good job showing how to implement them on the screen. And it sure seemed Margaret (?), the dark-haired lady with glasses, was very familiar with the editing process. I hope you will try to do several more of these—even if they have to be done on a night other than the regular meeting night. Thanks for daring to try something different. I am encouraged by your kind words about the Zoom meeting. I think we all learned a bit more. What did you think of the format for this meeting. Please comment below. For those members who did not attend the Zoom call, please watch the video above to see what we accomplished. We had 19 members attend the call. Phil
February 17, 2022 meeting
My hope for the presentation, Q & A on Photoshop fell through. My speaker’s schedule conflicted with our meeting date. I will pursue other options. Would you be willing to attend a meeting that is not on a third Thursday of the month? If the Forest would allow us to meet on another night. Reagan is quite knowledgeable about Photoshop and other Adobe programs. See his DoSpace video below.
In the meantime I will try to come up with something. February 6, Sunday evening. My other possible speaker fell through also. So I am waiting to hear from another possible speaker.
Reagan Pufall video about PS
January Meeting Minutes
Fontenelle Forest Photo Club Meeting minutes
Location: | Fontenelle Forest |
Date: | 1/20/2022 |
Time: | 7 PM |
Attendees: | Number in attendance- Zoom only meeting tonight (19). The meeting is being recorded to be posted on YouTube |
Agenda items
- Welcome by President Phil Mininni.
New members: None
Treasurers report by Kathleen: Amount in Treasury is: $1444.67
Brent: Absent
Sue: Nothing new
Judy and Frank: Submit photos at next meeting of Sunrise and/or Sunset and animals with hooves. The forest is pushing for photos only taken in the forest. It was mentioned that taking photos at the Forest are limited due to the physical limitations of some members walking the trails. Phil will meet with them to clarify.
More Forest photos were swapped out for display.
Donna Gray: She will send out an updated informational email about the photo contest
- The meeting with the forest to go over issues was held Monday Jan 10th. Discussed problems we have with the website, and with their staff changes they wanted to get a feel for what our club is about. We gave them a copy of our By-laws and talked about what the club can do to promote the forest. They mentioned having nature walks with the public and our members and we would discuss nature photography and what our club is about. They want us to continue providing photos of the forest for the display there and our other photos would still be on display at the Bellevue Library. For right now we will continue to meet at 7pm on the third Thursday unless there is a conflict. They also wanted to thank Tom Boggs again for his photo that was used for the card for their fundraising campaign.
- Everyone was asked to submit a winter scene photo to Phil that he posted and then the members said what their photo was about and then all the members present could critique them with some positive feedback and/or suggestions on how to improve on it. We had 17 submitted. It went really well.
- Our speaker for March will be past president Jay Davis on Architectural photography. Still working on someone to present for our February meeting. Looking at having someone from Do Space talk about Photoshop.
- A suggestion was made to try to come up with a way to encourage high school kids to join our club (maybe contact the schools to see if they have a photo club and get our information to them) and how to get information on our club out to the public to encourage membership.
Submitted by Club Secretary: Sue Mininni
Treats for February Meeting
Lorraine Feldhausen and Diane Kinney are scheduled to bring treats for the February 17 meeting.
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