I have generated a new page called “Members Choice” We have a ribbon for the winner of our Member’s Choice award. This page is where you can view the 2021 photo contest entries. There are 92 photos to look at. Please email our contest coordinator with your vote by the number on the photo at the bottom of the photo. Each member gets one vote. Email Donna .
Donna Gray
I misplaced Donna’s photos for our September meeting slide show. I cannot apologize more for screwing that up. Below are her photos.

Minutes from September 16 meeting
Fontenelle Forest Photo Club Meeting minutes
Location: | Fontenelle Forest |
Date: | 9/16/2021 |
Time: | 7PM |
Attendees: | Number in attendance-About 21 |
Agenda items
- Welcome by President Phil Mininni
No new members. He explained the website and how you can have your own folder/page with your photos to show off if you’d like. There is a comment section also. Go to “Blog” section for past posts.
- Treasurers report by Kathleen: Dues owed tonight. Amount in Treasury is: $1331.16
Kathleen also said we are scheduled for another Raptor shoot in May.
- Judy Dye brought in old Photos to be picked up. “Pink” photos are on display at the Bellevue Library and “Fontenelle Forest” photos will be put up at the forest.
- Donna spoke about Photo contest: She is in the process of resizing the photos that have been sent to her and sending them to the judge as she gets them. Our October meeting is when they will be critiqued and winners announced. Next year we will be back on schedule with the contest entries received in May and winners announced in June.
- Treat list was passed around for members to sign up
Still missing a few spots that need to be filled in. Will pass around again at the next meeting. Please remember to bring items that are individually wrapped or you have placed in a baggie or wrapped in saran wrap (still because of Covid 19). Please no popcorn as too hard to clean up if on the carpet.
- Member list passed around to be filled out with member contact information:
If you were not in attendance or will not be in attendance for awhile because of Covid 19 concerns, please email the webmaster at Webmaster@fontenelleforestphotoclub.org ASAP your information (name, address, email, phone and yes or no if you will accept text messages) so we can verify your information and make any corrections. Thank you.
- Phil discussed to Zoom or not to Zoom our meetings.
Pro’s: No risk to you as you are at your home.
Con’s: Lousy internet connection at the Forest and none at all if we meet at Camp Brewster.
Hearing questions from the member audience is not clear or loud enough for the Zoom audience unless we run a mike to each person speaking.
Need one or two volunteers to help Phil as he cannot run the meeting in person as well as monitor the Zoom meeting.
- It was suggested we compile a 10-question survey for our members to complete through Monkey Survey. Diane Kinney and Lorraine Feldhausen will create this survey and send it to all members.
- Also, it was suggested we have a mentoring program or a list of those that would be willing to mentor a member or members if they feel they have a particular photography talent that would benefit our members.
- Ended the meeting with a slide show of photos that members sent in of some of their proud photo moments of the summer or just photos they liked.
Need more treat commitments
We will be sending the sign-up sheet at October meeting. We have a few months that need to be filled in.