Please remember to come to our March 16 photo club meeting at 7:00 PM. Visitors are welcome. Check out the “Upcoming Events” at the bottom of the website home page for directions to the Fontenelle Forest.
Guest Speaker – Albert Rhea
His subject is Bird Photography. Albert currently has an exhibition at Lauritzen Gardens through April 2, 2023,

Treasurer’s Report
From Kathleen: Beginning and ending balance for February 2023 is $1178.59. No income and no expenses. December dinner expenses still pending.
Bellevue Library Display
We need “Monument(s)” photos. Bring them to the meeting
Nikon This Month
Tory Ewing sends us this;
Click on Nikon

Capture Emotion
Click on Emotion

Thanks Tory.
National Wildlife Photo Contest
Entry fee required
Kathleen sends us a reminder
National Wildlife link

Tips and Tricks Video
Final Thoughts
Congratulations if you have gotten this far in the post/blog. It takes some time to put this info together. Thanks to Tory Ewing and Kathleen Crawford-Rose for contributing to this post. You too can send me things you think might be of interest to our members and the world. This can include your photos that I can spotlight for you.
Don’t forget about our photo portfolios. You can display your photos. You can include your own watermarks. You have to send them to me for now as I haven’t figured out how to set up the site for you to upload to it. Send your photos to webmaster I have put in general watermarks on the photos submitted so far. Check it out at this link .
Please leave any comments below if you have any questions or if you are volunteering to be our president and/or vice-president.