Fontenelle Forest Photo Club Meeting Minutes
Location: | Fontenelle Forest |
Date: | 01/16/2025 |
Time: | 7:00 PM |
- Welcome by: Kathleen Crawford-Rose
- Old Business:
- We are rotating meeting duties with our board members.
- Open Positions: We need volunteers for the Photo Club -President, Vice President. Please consider volunteering for one of these positions.
- II. New Business:
- Kathleen provided the Treasure’s report. Income from due: $50.00 Balance as of December 31st– $822.77. Outstanding check to Kuhn’s for Holiday Potluck-Chicken.
- Mary Headley -Mary reminded members of openings available for the months of March and April 2025 for meeting treats. Margaret Block West volunteered for March.
- Donna Gray reminded members: *New photo displays are hanging the Fontenelle Forest and Bellevue Library * Photos are begin collected now and @ the February Meeting: Fontenelle Forest: Mammals of Fontenelle Forest Bellevue Library: Sunrise/Sunset pictures may be taken anywhere *Donna reminded members when bringing prints in a bag/envelope/sack please put you name on it so it gets returned to you. Also, put your name on the back of the photos (printed or an address label, etc.) *FFPC Annual Photo Contest- Donna has been working with Bellevue University for the Annual Photo Contest. *Jerrod & Jeremy- will be our February Speakers- Please let Donna know if there is a particular subject you want to hear about.
- Phil Swanson- Gave a wonderful presentation on “Birds of the Warbler Yard” at tonight’s meeting. He gave some helpful tips he uses to attract the different species to his yard. The slideshow/video he shared was beautifully done and showed many of the 170 species he attracts to his backyard.
- Attendance: 16 members, 13 bird club members
- There were no new members tonight
- III. Input from current officers and committee members and helpers
- Open Positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer- Kathleen Crawford-Rose: Kathleen provided the Treasure’s report. Income from due: $50.00 Balance as of December 31st– $822.77. Outstanding check to Kuhn’s for Holiday Potluck-Chicken.
- Photo Display Organizers: Donna Gray: – Bellevue Library and Fontenelle Forest display have been changed.
- Secretary- Mary Headley: March and April of 2025 treats for club meetings
- Photo Contest Organizer-Donna Gray: Working with Bellevue for Annual Photo Contest
- Member at large: Andrea Kuhn: Nothing to add.
- Webmaster- Phil Mininni: Working on website members email.
Brent Headley: (helps webmaster and other volunteering) nothing to add.
- IV. Speakers/Programs:
- February 15, 2025: Jerred and Jeremy-Post Processing
- March 21, 2025: Ken Smith- Milky Way Photography
- April 18, 2025: Jay Davis-What makes a Winning Photo
- May 16, 2025: Raptor Shoot
- June 19, 2025: Photo Contest Presentation
Thank you to Keith White and Phil & Sue Minnini for treats tonight
Submitted by Club Secretary: Mary Headley