Adobe Alternatives
Treasurer’s Report
Greetings all.
Beginning and ending balance for December: $895.14
Pending expenses: $105.00 for potluck. Includes chicken, sodas, paper goods, etc.
Bellevue Times
I sent the following to the Times for publication. It is our meeting schedule for the year 2024.
The name of our club is “Fontenelle Forest Photography Club”. We meet on the third Thursday of each month except in July and August. Meeting times start at 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM. Our meeting place is at Fontenelle Forest. Public is welcome to attend our meetings. Our website is . People should check our website for latest information about our club.
Our schedule for 2024 is;
January 18, Allen Kurth. Lightroom
February 15. Jared Zegelis, TBD
March 21, TBD
April 18. Ni Drehmann, TBD
May 16, Annual Raptor Photo Shoot
June 20, Photo Contest critique and winners announcement
July and August, NO MEETINGS
September 19, TBD
October 1, TBD
November 21, TBD
December 19, TBD
I am working on speaker/subject for March. We have received some suggestions for subjects for our meetings. I hope to get with our executive board members to discuss these suggestions. Thank you to those who have sent in ideas.
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Please leave comments below, volunteer to be president or vice-president, have a Happy New Year…etc.