February 15, 2024

Fontenelle Forest Photo Club Meeting Minutes

Location:Fontenelle Forest
Time:7:00 PM

Welcome by: Donna Gray

I. Old Business:

Open Positions: We are in need of volunteers for the Photo Club -President, Vice President and Photo Display Organizer. Please consider volunteering for one of these positions.

II. New Business:

  1. Need ideas from members for Future displays @ Bellevue Library and Fontenelle Forest.
  2. Need member ideas for future Speakers/Programs.
  3. Emily Prauner-She is happy to promote the FF Photo Club in the upcoming calendar link so it takes you to the FF photo club page. The Photo Club will also be listed on the e-monthly newsletter starting in March. The FF nature page has a facelift and Emily would like us to share our photos and upload them under submit a photo with info on the photo subject. She would like to see our members get involved this way.

The Raptor shoot will be in May at Camp Brewster.

  1. The Photo Club has two displays for its members. The Bellevue Library and Fontenelle Forest. A reminder: All photos for the FF display must be taken at Fontenelle Forest or Neal Woods.
  2. Future exhibit: photos for the Bellevue Library & FF displays may be brought to the monthly meetings. You may also drop off prints @ Kathleen’s house katcr@cox.net or Phil’s house philo.pm51@startmail.com. Please email either one for their address and a good time to drop off photos.

6. Attendees: 18

7. New members: None

III. Input from current officers and committee members and helpers:

Open Positions: We are in need of volunteers for the Photo Club

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Photo Display Organizers

Photo Display OrganizersIn need of volunteers to take over photo displays.

Treasurer- Kathleen Crawford-Rose: Treasurer’s report:

Monies were spent on supplies to hand photos.

Balance as of February 15, 2024- $787.14

Secretary- Mary Headley: Absent, Sue filled in for Mary.

Photo Contest Organizer- Donna Gray has returned in full capacity spearheading the photo contest. This year’s contest will be as follows.

May 25thset up begins @ 10am

June 20thCritique by our judge which will be Jerred Zegelis

June 29th Take down of photos and pickup begins at 10am

Member at large– Andrea Kuhn

Webmaster- Phil Mininni: Working with Emily on links between us and FF for comments.

Brent Headley- (helps webmaster and with video at meetings and other volunteering) Absent

IV. Speakers/Programs:

February 15, 2024: Speaker JarredZ-Great Presentation. Website is www.jerredz.com. He is sponsoring a trip to Chimney Rock if you want to check it out at www.neiaphoto.com.

March 21, 2024: Allen Kurth, Lightroom-How to get started. If you would like to send a photo to be critiqued, send to Phil.

April 18, 2024: Ni Demman (sp6) wildlife or portrait.

May 16, 2024: Raptor Shoot

June 20, 2024: Photo Contest Presentation

Treats brought by Howard Carson

Submitted by Club Secretary: Sue Mininni (filling in for Mary Headley)