Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Have you had one of those days, weeks, months? Your webmaster is trying to complete some projects at home, work out issues with the website and dealing with the drama that the holidays seem to bring out in people. The most frustrating is dealing with the hosting site officials in resolving already discussed issues.
Our website is owned and supposed to be administrated by the Fontenelle Forest. This is the issue, I can’t make any major changes because my name is not on the registered admin list. I am asking our board to break our website away from the Forest ownership and purchase with our own funds our own website. If approved I will attempt to get on a new hosting site and transfer. in total, our website. I will try to keep the same URL address, if that doesn’t work we will have to get a new domain name. Leave comments below, your thoughts, about taking on this expense.
There is a representative at the forest we will be meeting with in January to discuss the club and website. If I can get permission and rights to the domain, we will not need to go nuclear and start fresh.
Ken Smith’s presentation was well received. He has provided a link to the slides of his presentation for you to review. Click on this link to see his beautiful slides of the night sky. Night Sky
Ken is willing to give us a field trip to one of the sites. There were some enthusiastic responses for this. It will have to take place in the late spring or early summer. Details to come out later. Keep in mind it will be a late night. Thanks to Ken for a great presentation.
December 16 meeting video
This is one of those things I mentioned about at the beginning of this post. I tried to upload the video of the meeting from December 16 and the system thinks it already has it. I can’t find it at all. I hope to be able to get it to the website after we have our meeting with the forest administration and get access to the hosting site’s support service.
Survey Monkey Results
We had 21 members complete the survey. Below are the results. Thanks to you who took the time to take the survey. I and the board hope to use this info to make our club a better club. I had to “Snip and Sketch” screen shots of the results. I was limited on what I could do. Most of the bells and whistles for this site cost money. I will start with question #1 and place comments that were made under each question. For those of you who did not take the survey, feel free to leave comments below about the survey.

Q1 depends on what is happening with covid

Q2 and I have some knowledge to participate.
Depends on my work schedule

Q3 Would have to be a day I am not working
depends on when and how vigorous (we can’t walk long ways or on too rough of ground)

Q4 I need more help than i can give.
I don’t know enough about digital.
I am not confident enough to do this
Only know my own camera
If I have a skill they don’t have

Q5 There were no comments

Q6 Depends on work load

Q7 Possibly
maybe for certain jobs

Q8 Will Fields & Kurt Brink(professional photographer that heads Hobby Lobby Framing dept.
I found one for last year. Will continue to look.
Will Fields- maybe studio lighting?
I could suggest some interesting people, but I have never met them.
I sent Phil the name of someon who presented on phone photos at the Omaha photo club. Also the “Great Course” series has one on taking photos with a smart phone.

Q9 I need to think about this..
Lightroom develop module
Not confident enough to do this yet.
I am definitely not a professional but could present something on night Astro landscapes
Not sure of any topics I am that proficient in

Q10 When there is notice of a post.
Can Ken give us is slides of the information he gave us, that is what I am interested in since I did not take notes.
I also would be willing to donate a small amount to help pay to switch the site, from what you have said this would take some of your headache away, I think that is a great idea.