November 18, 2021 Photo Club Meeting Video

We had our November 18 meeting at Fontenelle Forest. It was a live in-person meeting and a Zoom meeting too. I want to thank Kyle Sorys and Brent Headley for running the camera and monitoring the zoom call. I want to thank Kathleen Crawford-Rose for setting up the Zoom meeting and getting the invites out to our members. We also recorded the meeting to post on our website. I know now I have a face for radio. Not so much for video.

Fontenelle Forest Photo Club Meeting, November 18, 2021

November 18, 2021 meeting minutes

Fontenelle Forest Photo Club Meeting minutes

Location:Fontenelle Forest
Attendees:Number in attendance-18 in person, 4 zooming

Agenda items

  1. Welcome by President Phil Mininni.

New members: None

Treasurers report by Kathleen: Reminder to pay dues tonight was given if you hadn’t already. Amount in Treasury is: $1444.67

Brent: Nothing new

Sue: Need one more volunteer to bring treats in December. Email Phil if interested.

Judy and Frank: When turning in photos for display at the library or the forest write on the back of your photo if you want it returned to you or not. They have been having a lot of trouble getting members to pick up their photos when brought to the meetings. Some members asked that we publish a new list a few months ahead of time of future topics to be on display so we have enough time to gather them to submit.

  • Donna Gray: Photo contest will be back at Bellevue Univ for next year with dates locked in unless Covid takes a turn for the worse.
  • Thank you to Terry and Donna Turner and Emmet Egr for the treats tonight.
  • Update with Diane Kinney and Lorraine Feldhausen on compiling a 10-question survey for our members to complete through Monkey Survey. It will be published mid-December.
  • The meeting with the forest to go over issues with our website as not been scheduled yet as they have not responded to Phil’s email.
  • It was voted no for a potluck dinner in December. We will have Ken Smith present again on Astro/Star photography. He has an updated presentation from when he presented in the past.
  • Tom Boggs was chosen by the forest to use one of his photos on a Thank you card sent to Forest members for joining the Forest. Congratulations Tom!
  • All contest photos are on the club website now.  If there are mistakes or missing photos, please let Phil know.

Aaron Frey was our presenter from Rockbrook Camera and brought in some cameras and other equipment and talked about what is new.   

Submitted by Club Secretary: Sue Mininni

Rockbrook Camera

Thank you Aaron Frey for showing what’s new in equipment. Our members were impressed with the gear you showed us.

Next Meeting December 16

This meeting will be a regular meeting at Fontenelle Forest. By popular vote there will not be a “pot luck” dinner. We will also attempt to do a Zoom call as well as an in-person meeting. Kathleen will send out invites by Monday, December 13.

Astrophotography for December Meeting

Ken Smith will be our program presenter for the December 16 meeting. He has updated his program for star


October Expenses

Kathleen reports;

Hi Photo Club Board Members.

Updated Treasurer’s Report

August 31st  Balance        $1331.16

                Dues income           324.00

Sept. 31st Balance             $1655.16

                Dues income             36.00

                Expenses: Contest   246.49

Oct. Oct. 31st Balance     $1444.67

Contest expenses are ribbons, $171.49 and judge gratuity, $75.00

   Contest ribbons, $171.49

    Contest Judge,      $75.00

New Balance         $1444.67

Christmas Lights Photography

Here is a short video about taking photos of Christmas lights.

Comment Below!

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Upcoming meeting in November

November 18, 2021, Thursday at 7:00 PM at the Fontenelle Forest. We are meeting in person. New photography equipment will be discussed. Go in the side doors.

Zoom Call in November

Kyle Sorys, a new member, has volunteered to be our cameraman. We will have a Zoom meeting for November for those members who still are hesitant to attend in-person meetings. We will also attempt to record the meeting to have available on our website. Brent Headley has volunteered to monitor the Zoom call as our quality control person.

Kathleen will be sending out invites soon. Check in will be between 6:45 PM till the start of the meeting.

Rockbrook Camera

Aaron Frey from Rockbrook Camera will be our speaker at the November 18 club meeting. Aaron tells me he will show off some new equipment that is available.

December 16th meeting

I have received 20 votes. There were three choices;

1. Do you want a pot luck dinner? Club would provide Fried Chicken. 5 votes.

Members bring a dish, salads or vegetables or a desert dish. We also normally have a slideshow showing off your favorite photos.

2. No, I do not want a pot luck dinner. I would rather have a speaker 10 votes.

present a program.

3. I would like both, a pot luck dinner and a speaker to present a program. 5 votes.

Now I have to find me a speaker, as we will not have a pot luck for the December 16. No pressure.

October Expenses

This from Kathleen;


Expenses in October:

   Contest ribbons, $171.49

    Contest Judge,      $75.00

New Balance         $1444.67

Contest Photos

Are now on the home page slideshow. If you see any mistakes, please contact me at

Congratulations to this years winners!

Photo Contest for 2022

From Donna;

Fingers crossed we can pull it off!!  


From Bellevue University
Hello Donna,
Thank you for the dates. I have the Gallery reserved for:
·         Saturday, May 28, 2022, time tbd, for set up in the Joyce Norene Wilson Art Gallery.
·         Thursday, June 16, 2022, , time tbd,for the critique and awards night.  Two tables and two chairs would be needed.
·         Saturday, June 25, 2022, time tbd for the take down. 
We will connect at a later date to go over details and if anything changes but you are on the calendar.
Thank you and have a great weekend!

Once again I may have forgotten to add something or maybe I went too long. Please comment below your thoughts, criticisms and/or praises. Thank you all for your support.



A challenge to step outside your comfort zone. A 10 minute video about what to take pictures of and how to look at your subject.

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Congratulations to our winners of our photo contest. I will soon put the contest entries on the homepage slideshow. Thanks to Pat Mingarelli for judging our photos. There was a lot of cropping suggestions given. Though he gave technical suggestions, he also gave some positive things we could do to make our photos better. Thanks Pat. Keep in mind judging is also a subjective endeavor.

Nature Conservancy Global Photo Contest Winners

From Tory Ewing

I thought you might like to see this.  I came across a website with the winners of this years Nature Conservancy Global Photo Contest.  Some of the photos are almost as good as the ones from our photo contest.

October 21 Meeting Minutes

Fontenelle Forest Photo Club Meeting minutes

Location:Fontenelle Forest
Attendees:Number in attendance-About 25-30

Agenda items

  1. Welcome by President Phil Mininni. He appreciates all of our members but some decisions he makes may not appeal to all but he is here for everyone. Example is having a live meeting and a zoom meeting. He cannot do both so if no volunteers to help assist then he makes the final decision.

New members: Mary Headley and Visitor Kyle Sorys (but will probably join)

Treasurers report by Kathleen: Reminder to pay dues tonight was given if you hadn’t already. Amount in Treasury is: $1655.

Per Brent there are no new website updates.

  1. Donna Gray will fill in for Judy Dye in collecting photos for display as well as bringing old ones for members to pick up. Always check the table to make sure you have none to pick up. You may submit more than one photo of the same topic. We used to not have enough for a good display, but now we do so after a few weeks up of one batch then another batch will go up so all have a turn at their photo being displayed. The ones displayed at the forest have to have something to do with nature and the ones displayed at the Bellevue Library do not.
  2. Donna introduced our judge Pat Mingarelli who went over all of the photos and announced the winners. The winners will be posted on our website.

Congratulations to everyone that won and thanks to all that submitted their photos. We had 96 photos submitted.

  1. Thank you to Tory Ewing and Margaret Block-West for bringing treats.
  2. The Treat list was passed around for members to sign up as a few spots were remaining. We still need two members to bring treats on Thursday June 16th which hopefully we will be back at Bellevue University for the photo contest. We also need one more person for Thursday March 17th.

Please just another reminder to bring items that are individually wrapped or you have placed in a baggie or wrapped in saran wrap (still because of Covid 19). Please no popcorn as too hard to clean up if on the carpet.

A reminder that it’s your turn will be emailed to you about a week before the meeting. (If I don’t forget-Sorry Tory and Margaret).

  1. Member list passed around to be filled out with member contact information:

Again, if you were not in attendance or will not be in attendance for awhile because of Covid 19 concerns, please email the webmaster at ASAP your information (name, address, email, phone and yes or no if you will accept text messages) so we can verify your information and make any corrections. Thank you.

  1. Update with Diane Kinney and Lorraine Feldhausen on compiling a 10-question survey for our members to complete through Monkey Survey. Should be ready to send out within the next two weeks.
  2. There will be a meeting set up with the forest to go over issues with our website.
  3. It is still undecided if we are to have our Christmas Pot Luck for our December meeting. We may add that as a question on the Survey.
  4. For the November meeting, we have invited Aaron Frey back from Rockbrook Camera to bring some cameras and other equipment and talk about whatever we’d like. If our members have any suggestions, please let the webmaster know.

Submitted by Club Secretary: Sue Mininni

Fontenelle Forest Photography Club – Annual Financial Report 2021

Balance September, 2020 $1296.95

Income from dues $464.00

Expenses $429.79

2020 Contest ; judge, 75.00, treats 12.00
Microphone: 42.79
Donation to FF Raptor Team; $300.00

Balance August, 2021 $1331.16

*Because our contest schedule has been delayed, the ribbons and judge
expenses for 2021 Occurred in Sept.

Zoom Meetings

Kyle Sorys has volunteered to set up his camera equipment to do Zoom meetings for us. He and I are going to do a trial rehearsal to see if it will work out. And if it does we will Zoom our November meeting. Kyle was a visitor at our October 21 meeting. He plans to join our club.

December 16 Meeting

Our December meeting is normally a “Bring a Dish” event and the club provides usually fried chicken. We did not have one last year because of the Wuhan virus. This year it was suggested we have a regular meeting without the food. Another member ask why not both. So I will be sending out a questionnaire via email to our members through Kathleen;

Vote for one:

  1. Bring a Dish. Food night
  2. No food, hold regular meeting. Find guest speaker
  3. Do the food and also hold regular meeting

Free Photo Editing Programs

If you do not wish to subscribe to Adobe for Photoshop, here are some free editing programs to look in to.

Top 5. 7 Minutes long.

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Meeting Reminder

Thursday at 7:00 PM, October 21, 2021

Just a reminder that our photo contest critique and awards will be presented. Our judge is Pat Mingarelli. You will be able to move your chair as far away or as close as you want to the person of your choice. Mask are optional at this time.

Member’s Choice

Don’t forget to vote for your favorite photo from contest entries. Email the number of the photo you like the most. This vote tally is for members only. I do not know if we have a very large internet presence for a public vote. Click on the link . Donna is taking votes till October 18, 2021. Email Donna . Do not use the comment section below to vote your choice. Please comment on any other topic or item.


Dues will be collected by Kathleen if you haven’t already paid.

A Camera Records Light

Lorraine Feldhausen sends this;

I have two photography places that send me emails. This is not a direct quote from one of the lessons, but it gets the idea across:

A camera records light.  What you choose to focus on in that light becomes your picture.

I am attaching two pictures.One was taken on one of the many cloudy days we have had recently.Today I waited until the sun sifted through a tree and landed on this blossom that opened a day or two ago.  Same autumn crocus (different blossom). But the light makes all the difference in the world for color, tone, and mood.The crocus is actually a light lavender. So the second photo is closer to what my eye saw.

This might be something to share at a meeting. Perhaps we could get club members to share different examples of things they have learned like this.

It could be a baby step to getting more involved.


Thanks Lorraine for the input and suggestion.

Kathleen Crawford-Rose

Reports that they have put up the Forest photos up at Fontenelle Forest. There were so many photos that they will be split, half now and the other half later will be displayed.

Monkey Survey

Lorraine Feldhausen and Diane Kinney are working on putting together an on-line survey on Monkey Survey. This is the first time these young ladies have attempted to do this with Monkey Survey. Thank you to Lorraine and Diane. A list of questions will be posted that members can vote on. I believe we will have a password to allow, club members only, access to the survey. I want to get a feel from you where we should go as a club.

I’m sure I probably forgot something

Video on Lighting

Since Lorraine brought it up. About 7 minutes long.

Please comment below

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More info for Member’s Choice

Top of the Website home page

Some of you may not be familiar with our website. The website is at

Then click on Members Choice “see image above” or click on this link .

You will see the 2021 contest entries and they are labeled by a number.

Submit your choice to Donna by October 18, 2021

Email Donna at with the number of the photo you choose as your choice. Vote for only one photo.

Next Photo Club meeting is October 21, 2021

Photo contest winners will be announced and our photos will be critiqued by our judge, Pat Mingarelli

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Member’s Choice and Meeting Minutes

I have generated a new page called “Members Choice” We have a ribbon for the winner of our Member’s Choice award. This page is where you can view the 2021 photo contest entries. There are 92 photos to look at. Please email our contest coordinator with your vote by the number on the photo at the bottom of the photo. Each member gets one vote. Email Donna .

Donna Gray

I misplaced Donna’s photos for our September meeting slide show. I cannot apologize more for screwing that up. Below are her photos.

Loon Yoga
Loon Taking Off
Heron Gliding
Goose Family
After the Storm, Minnesota Lake

Minutes from September 16 meeting

Fontenelle Forest Photo Club Meeting minutes

Location:Fontenelle Forest
Attendees:Number in attendance-About 21

Agenda items

  1. Welcome by President Phil Mininni

No new members. He explained the website and how you can have your own folder/page with your photos to show off if you’d like. There is a comment section also. Go to “Blog” section for past posts.

  1. Treasurers report by Kathleen: Dues owed tonight. Amount in Treasury is: $1331.16

Kathleen also said we are scheduled for another Raptor shoot in May.

  1. Judy Dye brought in old Photos to be picked up. “Pink” photos are on display at the Bellevue Library and “Fontenelle Forest” photos will be put up at the forest.
  2. Donna spoke about Photo contest: She is in the process of resizing the photos that have been sent to her and sending them to the judge as she gets them. Our October meeting is when they will be critiqued and winners announced. Next year we will be back on schedule with the contest entries received in May and winners announced in June.
  3. Treat list was passed around for members to sign up

Still missing a few spots that need to be filled in. Will pass around again at the next meeting. Please remember to bring items that are individually wrapped or you have placed in a baggie or wrapped in saran wrap (still because of Covid 19). Please no popcorn as too hard to clean up if on the carpet.

  1. Member list passed around to be filled out with member contact information:

If you were not in attendance or will not be in attendance for awhile because of Covid 19 concerns, please email the webmaster at ASAP your information (name, address, email, phone and yes or no if you will accept text messages) so we can verify your information and make any corrections. Thank you.

  1. Phil discussed to Zoom or not to Zoom our meetings.

Pro’s: No risk to you as you are at your home.

Con’s: Lousy internet connection at the Forest and none at all if we meet at Camp Brewster.

Hearing questions from the member audience is not clear or loud enough for the Zoom audience unless we run a mike to each person speaking.

Need one or two volunteers to help Phil as he cannot run the meeting in person as well as monitor the Zoom meeting.

  1. It was suggested we compile a 10-question survey for our members to complete through Monkey Survey. Diane Kinney and Lorraine Feldhausen will create this survey and send it to all members.
  2. Also, it was suggested we have a mentoring program or a list of those that would be willing to mentor a member or members if they feel they have a particular photography talent that would benefit our members.
  3. Ended the meeting with a slide show of photos that members sent in of some of their proud photo moments of the summer or just photos they liked.

Need more treat commitments

We will be sending the sign-up sheet at October meeting. We have a few months that need to be filled in.

Acrylic VS. Metal prints

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