Just a reminder about our upcoming meeting on October 20 at 7:00 PM-8:30 PM. It will be at the Forest. Donna and Terry Turner and Brent and Mary Headley are scheduled to bring treats.
If you haven't paid your dues, please do so. Kathleen will be taking your monies. Don't forget, to be a member you must also be a member of the Fontenelle Forest.
Our Photo Club is still in need of a president and vice-president. Please consider volunteering for one of these positions.
Treasurer's Report
Greetings all.
Treasurer’s Report:
Income from dues, $344.00
Expenses, soda pop $27.36
Balance 9/30 $1,304.39
Photo Display
Bring your "Anything Old" photos to the meeting.
Steve Reese is our guest speaker
Steve is with Mervin Reese Photography. Steve has been in the business since 1972. His grandfather, Mervin Sr., started the business in 1936. Steve is a Master Craftsman Photographer. He will be talking to us about portraiture photography.
Tips for Portrait Photography Video
This is a short 10 minute video about taking better portraits.
The club needs volunteers for President and Vice-President. Please consider volunteering.
Phil shared the Fontenelle Forest 2022-2023 Partnership Agreement with club members. There were no complaints from those members present. He will post the agreement on the photo club website. https://www.fontenelleforestphotoclub.org. Emily Prauner, Director of Donor and Visitor Services at Fontenelle Forest, has asked that the agreement be acknowledged by the end of this month.
Phil shared the Speakers/Programs for the year. (See in minutes under #10)
Members shared 3-4 favorite photos @ tonight’s meeting for a group slide show. Members discussed their photos with club members.
Kathleen Crawford-Rose collected membership dues for the Photo Club @ tonight’s meeting. Dues are due in Sept. $12.00 for singles and $20.00 for family membership. Kathleen reminded photo club members to check for a valid Fontenelle Forest (FF) membership. Members of the photo club must be members of FF. She will provide an updated membership list to FF October 1st.
Attendees: 35
New members:
Barb Rimel- enjoys photographing wildlife
Guest~ William Targy- enjoys nature photography and animals
Input from current officers, committee members and helpers:
VP-Kathy Holm: Kathy has resigned as Vice President of the club.
Photo Display Organizers- Judy and Frank Dye
The new exhibit of Fountain photos is up at the Bellevue Public Library.
Members turned in their photos: Animals of Fontenelle Forest for next month’s display.
Next display for Bellevue library: “Anything Old” please bring your photos to October meeting.
Our meeting times will remain the same, 7:00-8:30 PM, unless if notified it will be different. Much like when we do raptors in May when that meeting will start at 6:30 PM. The 6:30 PM time mentioned in the agreement below is for our people who will arrive early to prep for the 7:00 PM meeting.
Please keep in mind that you will need to be a member of Fontenelle Forest to be a member of the photo club. It has always been this way. We have to send to the Forest a membership list and they may check to see if you are a member of the Forest.
Click on the link below to view the signed agreement. You should have the Adobe PDF reader. You also can get the file in the menu at top of page "Agreement with Forest"
11 members have sent me photos for the September 15 meeting slideshow.
I can always use more to show.
Will be taken at our September meeting. $12 for single, and $20 for family. Please bring some money.
Fontenelle Forest Display
Our next exhibit at the forest will be Animals of Fontenelle Forest. Please bring prints to the Sept . meeting. This includes all animals except raptors. Don’t forget the little ones like insects, reptiles, amphibians, etc.
Bellevue Public Library Display
The new exhibit of Fountain photos is up at he Bellevue Public Library. Stop by to see it.
In Closing...
Your club is in need of a president. Please Please consider volunteering to be our president
That is it. A short post. Mainly to remind you about the meeting.
It turns out I was unable to get a speaker for our September meeting. That means I need your photos you have taken this summer. Send me 3 or 4 of you favorite photos taken by you. Be prepared to discuss your photos with the club. Send them to Webmaster . You can copy and paste "webmaster@fontenelleforestphotoclub.org", without the quotes, in the send address bar in your mail program. We will view your pictures on the big screen at the forest. I have already received photos from some members.
Photo Display
Bellevue Library display has been changed out. Contest winners can pick up their photos at the September 15 meeting. Over the summer take pictures to submit when we return in September of Old Everything, Monument’s and Clouds.
I am in contact with several photographers to be speakers for September and October. No commitments yet. In the meantime, just in case, will you all gather 3 to 4 of your best photos taken this summer? You can send the files to me, webmaster@fontenelleforestphotoclub.org. I will show them on the projection screen at September 15 meeting if I can't procure a speaker.- Phil
June 16, 2022 Meeting Minutes
Fontenelle Forest Photo Club Meeting minutes
Fontenelle Forest
7:00 PM (At Bellevue Univ Humanities Bldg)
Welcome by President Phil Mininni. He thought there was greater improvement and confidence in the photos displayed this year than in years past.
If you still have any photos of the eclipse, send to the webmaster and he will post them.
Attendees: 32
New members: None
Judy and Frank: If you did not bring photos of fountains, you can contact Judy and/or Frank to set up a time to get the photos to them. First and Second place winners of photo contest will be on display at the library first and then fountains. Over the summer take pictures to submit when we return in September of Old Everything, Monument’s and Clouds.
Kathleen: Treasurer’s report: amount in Treasury is: $987.75
Brent: Talked again about organizing a trip with Ken Smith (Astrophotography). Upcoming "New Moon" dates are Thursday June 23rd, or Friday June 24th. He will let us know the exact date. There needs to be no moon or below the horizon. It will be out about 10 miles from Beatrice in a town called Filley at the Filley Stone Barn. There is a windmill there as well as one or two tractors to compliment your photo. We will need to arrive before sunset to get set up and get organized. Dark conditions will be around 10:30 or 11:00pm until 4:00 or 4:30am. Ken thinks most people would be ready to leave by 12:30 or 1:00am. We will try for another shoot in July maybe somewhere else.
Sue: None
Terry and Donna Turner: Photo Contest: Jay Davis was our judge and picked our winners and gave a good critique on all photos. Congratulations to all of the winners and thank you to everyone that submitted photos.
Kathy Holm: None
No treats tonight.
Elections: No volunteers for President. Think about it over the summer if you might be interested. Vice President will still be Kathy Holm, Treasurer will still be Kathleen Crawford-Rose, Secretary will be Mary Headley and Phil Mininni will still be the webmaster. Photo Contest Organizer will go back to Donna Gray with the Turners helping out if needed. Photo displays will still be handled by Judy and Frank Dye.
See you on September 15th for the next meeting. Have a great summer.
Submitted by Club Secretary: Sue Mininni
Ron Tillman Photography
Introduction from an April Wargo. May be of interest to you. I checked out the website and it is legit-Phil
I wanted to reach out and introduce you to Ron Tilman Photography. Ron
offers photography workshops throughout Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas,
and Nebraska. In October he will be offering his fall Elk workshop.
Ron offers both a half-day
and three-day option. The three-day workshop includes bison
photography. Check out Ron's website for details.
Please feel free to visit Ron's website,
Thank you,
April Wargo
Treasurer Report
Hi all.
We had no income and no expenses in July. Our balance is $987.75
We will collect dues in September. They remain $12.00 for single membership and $20.00 for a family.
We received a thank you during the summer from FF for our $300/00 donation to the Raptor program.
Bird Photography with Melissa Groo
Check out this website for more information about the course. Course on sale till August 28, 2022.
Click on the link Course above.
Forest Display Change Out
Greetings Photographers.
The subject of our next photo display at the Forest will be animals of the forest. This includes everything except raptors. We’d like to see insects, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, and birds (except for raptors).
We hope to have your photos on or before the September 15th meeting. Dyes will be out of town for the next couple of weeks so you can drop off photos at:
Phil and Sue’s house. 621 South 51 Ave. in Omaha. or
Kathleen’s house. 123 Bellevue Blvd South in Bellevue. Email Webmaster for phone numbers for Phil or Kathleen. Call them to arrange photo delivery.
Or bring them to the Sept Meeting.
Club Meeting Dates for this coming year
The 2022-2023 Photo Club meetings will be hosted at Fontenelle Forest on the following dates:
Thursday, September 15 (Nature Center)
Thursday, October 20 (Nature Center)
Thursday, November 17 (Camp Brewster)
Thursday, December 15 (Nature Center)
Thursday, January 19 (Nature Center)
Thursday, February 16 (Nature Center)
Thursday, March 16 (Nature Center)
Thursday, April 20 (Nature Center)
Thursday, May 18 (Camp Brewster)
Crop Sensor Video
This is an interesting video about sensors. It is a little more than 13 minutes long.
Welcome by President Phil Mininni. He thought there was greater improvement and confidence in the photos displayed this year than in years past.
If you still have any photos of the eclipse, send to the webmaster and he will post them.
Attendees: 32
New members: None
Judy and Frank: If you did not bring photos of fountains, you can contact Judy and/or Frank to set up a time to get the photos to them. First and Second place winners of photo contest will be on display at the library first and then fountains. Over the summer take pictures to submit when we return in September of Old Everything, Monument’s and Clouds.
Kathleen: Treasurer’s report: amount in Treasury is: $987.75
Brent: Talked again about organizing a trip with Ken Smith (Astrophotography). Upcoming "New Moon" dates are Thursday June 23rd, or Friday June 24th. He will let us know the exact date. There needs to be no moon or below the horizon. It will be out about 10 miles from Beatrice in a town called Filley at the Filley Stone Barn. There is a windmill there as well as one or two tractors to compliment your photo. We will need to arrive before sunset to get set up and get organized. Dark conditions will be around 10:30 or 11:00pm until 4:00 or 4:30am. Ken thinks most people would be ready to leave by 12:30 or 1:00am. We will try for another shoot in July maybe somewhere else.
Sue: None
Terry and Donna Turner: Photo Contest: Jay Davis was our judge and picked our winners and gave a good critique on all photos. Congratulations to all of the winners and thank you to everyone that submitted photos.
Kathy Holm: None
No treats tonight.
Elections: No volunteers for President. Think about it over the summer if you might be interested. Vice President will still be Kathy Holm, Treasurer will still be Kathleen Crawford-Rose, Secretary will be Mary Headley and Phil Mininni will still be the webmaster. Photo Contest Organizer will go back to Donna Gray with the Turners helping out if needed. Photo displays will still be handled by Judy and Frank Dye.
See you on September 15th for the next meeting. Have a great summer.
Brent and I have processed about 80 photos and put them on the home page slide show. If you see a problem or we missed something, let us know. Email webmaster .
Congratulations to our ribbon winners. 1st, 2nd place, member's choice, peoples choice and "best of" photos will be hung at the library.
We should all thank Donna and Terry Turner for all their hard work making our contest a success. And a special thank you to Donna Gray giving assistance and guidance to the Turner's.
Thanks to Jay Davis for being our judge this year. It is no easy task judging these photos. I again am reminded to learn to crop, crop, and crop some more.
Bellevue Library
Here are some subjects for you all to work on for future display subjects.
old everything
President's position needs to be filled!!!
Keith White is not able to fill the president's spot. We need someone to step up. And provide some new blood to our leadership team. Fresh eyes so to speak. The board provided me plenty of assistance while I was president. You would not need to do everything by your lonesome. I will also work closely with the new president and provide assistance when and where I can. Covid affected how we held meetings and I hope we will get closer to the "normal".
Thank you Chaplain Kyle
Kyle Sorys is the young gentlemen who helped us with the Zoom calls for our meetings this past year. Thank you very much! I hope he will continue to be a member of our photo club.
Phil Mininni and Brent Headley will continue to be the webmasters. Thanks to Brent for helping with the home page contest photos.
Milky Way
Brent says Tues evening, June 28, into Wednesday morning is looking promising for our milky way shoot. We had to cancel last week due to weather. Brent is also planning a shoot in July. More info is forthcoming for July.
Once again if you notice anything about your photo that is not quite right, let me know. Comment below or email me.
The Gallery 1516 is having a fee based photo contest. I am not real familiar with this gallery. Below is a PDF document with instructions. At the bottom is a link to their website for more details.
Jean Lindfors and Jane Pullum (president of the Bellevue Artist Association) provided this info. Thanks Ladies.