Thursday, January 18 Photo Club Meeting Reminder

Don’t forget to attend our meeting at 7:00 PM on January 18, 2024. Our guest speaker will be past president and club member, Allen Kurth.

Lightroom will be our subject

Allen says; My discussion centers around the reason I use Lightroom and the most important things that I accomplish with it. I’ll demo as many different things as I can to try to show users of all skill levels something new.

If you want to bring a few raw images on a thumb drive, Allen will show how he would adjust the images using Lightroom. We will try to get to as many as we can, if time permits.

Photo Displays

We need members to bring  a “Midwest Scenic” and/or a “Fall in Fontenelle Forest” print. 

2023 Nebraskaland Magazine Photo Winner

Congratulations to Margaret Block-West

Margaret received 2nd place in the Scenic category with her photograph called “Toadstool Splendor” Check out her photo in the January-February 2024 issue of Nebraskaland on page 20.

Still Looking for a President and Vice President!!!

Lightroom and Lightroom Classic Comparison Video

Final Thoughts

I hope everyone survived the last two storms. I finally got some use out of my snowblower. I helped out my neighbor also. I hope everyone has a better 2024 than 2023! I am looking forward to making it so for me and my family. Please comment below with your thoughts and things you hope for in the New Year.

You saw our meeting schedule in my last post. We are trying to find someone for March meeting and tells all about phone camera photography. Fingers crossed. See you all at the January 18 meeting.


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iPhone Photos

Adobe Alternatives

Treasurer’s Report

Greetings all.

Beginning and ending balance for December:  $895.14

Pending expenses:  $105.00 for potluck. Includes chicken, sodas, paper goods, etc.

Bellevue Times

I sent the following to the Times for publication. It is our meeting schedule for the year 2024.

The name of our club is “Fontenelle Forest Photography Club”. We meet on the third Thursday of each month except in July and August. Meeting times start at 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM. Our meeting place is at Fontenelle Forest. Public is welcome to attend our meetings. Our website is .   People should check our website for latest information about our club.

Our schedule for 2024 is;

January 18, Allen Kurth. Lightroom

February 15. Jared Zegelis, TBD

March 21, TBD

April 18. Ni Drehmann, TBD

May 16, Annual Raptor Photo Shoot

June 20, Photo Contest critique and winners announcement

July and August, NO MEETINGS

September 19, TBD

October 1, TBD

November 21, TBD

December 19, TBD

I am working on speaker/subject for March. We have received some suggestions for subjects for our meetings. I hope to get with our executive board members to discuss these suggestions. Thank you to those who have sent in ideas.

Comment Below…

Please leave comments below, volunteer to be president or vice-president, have a Happy New Year…etc.

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Happy New Year

Christmas Potluck Slideshow

Our slide show photos are now on the website homepage.

Forest and Library display photos

Kathleen says;

Greetings and happy holidays everyone.

Thanks to those who were able to participate in the December potluck/slideshow.  It was FUN.

Please check through your images and pick our a MIDWEST SCENIC and or FALL AT FONTENELLE FOREST.  We need several more of each for our new displays.  We’d like to get them up as soon as possible.

You can drop them off at Phil’s home in midtown Omaha or Kathleen’s home on Bellevue Blvd. South.

January 18 Photo Club meeting

Allen Kurth will be our speaker and he will talk about Adobe Lightroom. He will show his workflow and tips for using Lightroom.

Lightroom Video

In Closing

I want to say to all of you, I have had a ball being in this club and being your webmaster. I hoped all of you had a happy Holiday and wish for you to have a very, very Happy New Year. Please comment below what you would like to see your club do different for 2024. And don’t forget to be one of the lucky few who volunteer to be president and vice- president of the Fontenelle Forest Photo Club.

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December 21, 2023 Meeting

Pot Luck Dinner

It is that time of the year. The club will provide fried and baked chicken. Members should bring a side dish to share. Dinner will begin shortly after the food arrives. If you haven’t already, let us know if you can come and how many. We need a count so we can have enough chicken. Send your info to the and I will get that count over to Kathleen.

December Meeting Slideshow

We need your photos for the December meeting slide show. Please send your photo files to the . They should all be submitted by December 19, Tuesday. This give me a couple of days to process photos into a slide show. The sooner the better.

Failed Post Notifications

It appears some of you are not getting notified when a new post is publish on the website. Some of the issues are spam filters on the individuals mail service. P;ease check your spam folders to see if the notification is there. I have asked Kathleen to email all of our members that a new post is on the website. Let me know or Kathleen if you do not see a notification.

Photo Displays

Kathleen says;

We still need some photos for the displays…

Midwest Scenic s for the library


Fall in Fontenelle Forest  for the Forest display.

More Zoo Pics From Our Field Trip by Tom Boggs

Loess Bluffs Eagles and more

Brent and Mary Headley have been down to the bluffs and he says there are a lot of eagles and snow geese during “Eagle Days”

Past Meeting Minutes

I have received the minutes from October and November meetings. I will post them in another post to avoid fatiguing you guys too much!

Short Video

Looking for President and Vice-President Still…

Please comment below.

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Photo Club Meeting November 16

At Fontenelle Forest at 7 PM – 8:30 PM

Rockbrook Camera

A representative from Rockbrook Camera will be showing and talking about what’s new in photographic equipment. Check out their website

Zoo Field Trip

9 club members plus one other from another club went to the Henry Doorly Zoo on Saturday, November 4, 2 hours prior to the zoo opening. It was amazing to be able to take photos with out the general public being there. I recommend you try one of these trips.

Forest Photo Display

We will be swapping out the raptor photos with the other raptor photos soon.

Treasurer’s Report

Oct. 1 balance:   $858.55

Income dues           56.00

Expenses for

Display items         19.41

Oct. 31 Balance:  $895.14

Still Need President and Vice-President!

Final Thoughts…

I am sure I’ve forgotten something. Comment below if you wish to add something to this post.

Short Video

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Printing Services and Photo Display Subjects and Zoo

Some of Jay’s favorite printing services. Thanks Jay.




Jay’s new favorite software for editing. Luminar Neo by Skylum Software

Kathleen Says…

Thanks to Brent for providing us with an additional mat size.  We now have two 8×12 inch mats for our displays.  To the Nov. and Dec. meetings, Please bring:

MIDWEST LANDSCAPES  photos for the library display



Photos should be 8×10, 8×12 or 11×14.  Unmatted and boarderless (if possible) with your name and subject or location on the back.

Our November meeting will feature Aaron Frey, manager of Rockbrook Photography.  He’ll have lots of new and wonderful photography equipment and gadgets to show us. 

Zoo Field Trip November 4

We had 10 committed to go. One person has decided to spend another week in Florida. We are down to 9 people going. We need 1 more person. Contact Brent Headley. See previous post

Still need a President and VP

Video about Printer Services

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Zoo Photo Class Field Trip

At the Thursday Photo Club meeting, there was quite a bit of interest in a photo outing to Henry Doorly Zoo.

Photo Club goes to the Zoo
Saturday, November 4th
8am to 10am.  Admission to the zoo all day is included.
Cost – $40. Pay at the zoo
Sign up by Friday October 27th.  The zoo requires signing a waiver to attend.
If you would like to attend, please email Brent directly at

Download waiver form for the zoo. Fill it out and bring with your $40 fee. Don’t forget to let Brent know if you are coming. We need at least 10 people. Only three so far have committed.

Mike Benkis, who gave a presentation to the club recently, will be our guide.

The exhibits Kingdom of the Night (we would get to see it with the lights on!), and the Aquarium have been recommended.  They are close to the entrance (little walking).  The zoo is checking on the indoor Jungle as an option – but that is not a certainty.

The $40 per person fee, includes admission to the zoo for the day.
We are looking for a minimum of 10 people.   More than 10 is fine.

If you would like to attend, please email Brent directly at
Please sign up as soon as possible.  At least by this coming Friday, October 27th.

We hope to see you there!

Photo Contests

Nebraskaland Magazine has a photo contest. entries are to be in by October 31, 2023. A little late notice eh? But if you have time to rush an entree to:

Free photo contests listing from Photo Crowd

Milky Way

For those of you interested in improving your astro-photography.

Printing Your Photos

Jay Davis will be sending me soon a list of resources and I will post in an upcoming blog.

November 16 Photo Club Meeting

Rockbrook Camera is our guest presenter. “What’s New in Photography” New equipment.

Zen Photo Gallery-Your Portfolios

Please consider utilizing this opportunity to show off your photos to friends, family, and the world. Take a look, click link below. If you would like to have your own portfolio, send me your .jpg files and I will generate your own portfolio.

Allen Vrana Wins

Allen won our door prize from a drawing at the September meeting. Tickets for the drawing were handed out to members who paid their dues the night of the meeting. Congratulations Allen.

This hand made cutting board was made and donated by Phil Mininni for this drawing.

Still need a president and vice-president

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Welcome back Photo Club members!

September meeting is September 21 at 7:00 PM

This is a long post, as there is a lot going on. Please look over all of the information below.

Our theme for the night will be “Great photos of what we did this past summer.”

Please email 3-4 photos to the webmaster of your best summer photos as soon as you can.

And, see below about bringing prints of Anything Green for the next Bellevue Library display.

Election of Officers

We are still looking for a President and Vice President. The new President and Vice President will have complete support of the Ex, as well as the support of the board members.

EX-President Phil will no longer be acting as the de-facto president. He will continue as Webmaster.

Annual Dues are due

Annual dues will remain at $12 for an individual, and $20 for a family. Members must also be current members of Fontenelle Forest.

Sign up for treats for the upcoming year

A sign up sheet will be circulated at the meeting. Dick and Patrick Keefe, and Kathleen are covering the September meeting.

Two More Great Reasons to attend the September meeting

Prize Drawing for the September meeting

Phil, your Ex-EX-President, is donating a handmade cutting board as a prize. These are nice! Tickets will be handed out to members who pay their club dues the night of the September meeting.


see the our New photo gallery, currently featuring raptor photos. There were a lot of raptor photos submitted, so if you don’t see yours on display right now, it will be rotated with the current photos.


Treasurer’s Report and other comments from Treasurer Kathleen

Beginning and ending balance $591.83
No income or expenses this period.

The new raptor display looks GREAT! Please congratulate the members on the great photos they submitted. We have enough that we can exchange them in a couple of months.

Can’t remember if I mentioned that we received a nice thank you from the forest for our club donation to the Raptor Team.

Bellevue Library Displays

Currently on display: the winners of our 2023 photo contest.
Next up: ANYTHING GREEN. Please bring your printed photos to the September meeting.
And after Anything Green, MIDWEST SCENICS.

Upcoming meetings

October 19th meeting: Jay Davis is our scheduled speaker, and his subject is “From Camera to Print.”
Jay is a professional Architecture and Commercial photographer, and past club member.

November 16th meeting: Aaron from Rockbrook Camera will present our annual “great new equipment and gadgets from Rockbrook” meeting. Just in time to make your list for Santa. Thanks to Donna Gray for arranging this.

If YOU have any suggestions for future topics or speakers, please bring your ideas to the September meeting.

And Finally….

Speaking of Midwest Scenics, here is a short video “10 Fall Landscape Photography Tips.” This was not shot in the Midwest…
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Photos from 2023 Contest are now on the Home Page

Congratulations to our winners. Jay Davis did a great job as our judge this year. He says he had a heck of a job. All the photos were great and it came down to technical qualities. Thank you Terry Turner for your power point presentation. I used it to put the photos on the homepage. I just resized them to fit the home page slideshow.

Too many Fauna photos

We did not have as many participants this year as in the past, the contest coordinators decided to go with no “Novice” class photos. Only two were submitted. The rest were submitted as “Advanced”. We had so many bird photos the contest coordinators decided to split fauna and put birds in there own class.

3 tied for Member’s Choice

Pick up Photos

July 8 at 10 AM. Please be prompt The winners, 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and Best of Show will be hung at the library for display. All other photos should be picked up on Saturday morning on July 8 at 10 PM.

Bellevue Library

We mentioned that the 1st and 2nd place, and best of show would be hung in the library. Kathleen and Donna says there is room for the 3rd place winners as well.

September meeting is September 21 at 7:00 PM

Our theme for the night will be great photos of what we did this past Summer. Please send 3-4 photos to the webmaster before Monday, September 17. We will also have elections for officers. AND…

Drawing for September meeting

Your ex, ex president is donating a handmade cutting board as a prize. Tickets will be handed out to members, who will have paid their club dues the night of the meeting in September. I have been told I should sell my cutting boards. Some people say that they are that nice. I enjoy making sawdust and stuff.

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