Dark Skies

For our March 20th meeting, Ken Smith presented astro photography to our members. Below is a link to his presentation. In it are slides with some good information. I recommend you all visit Ken’s website. Ken has invited our members to a field trip to the Filey Barn near Beatrice NE this summer in conjunction with the Omaha Camera Club. Details will be posted later this year. Thank you Ken Smith.

Ken Smith Photography


This is a short video about taking a picture of the milky way.

Final thoughts

Our April speaker will not be able to be at our meeting. I have a lead on a person who might be able to talk to us about phone photography. If not we might do a slide show. The theme would be “Your best Zoo photos. A member has come up with doing a field trip to Neale Woods for the April meeting. Please comment below on what you think you would like to do.

If the links do not show up for Ken’s presentation or website I will have Kathleen email to you all the presentation link. And any non members who are not on Kathleen’s address book, email me at webmaster@fontenelleforestphotoclub.org and I will send you the links. There is something about embedding a SmugMug link in the post that is different from what I am used to seeing.

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Feb 20 meeting cancelled

Due to the extreme low temperatures, we have decided to cancel Thursday’s club meeting. We hope to reschedule Jerrod and Jeremy. Sorry for the late change. I wonder if we would get a large attendance anyway.

Kathleen is going to email our members about the cancellation also.

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Post Processing

Our next club meeting will be February 20, 2025 at 7:00 PM at the forest. Jeremy and Jerred will be our guest speakers. They were our judges for the 2024 photo contest.

To help them develop a program with our members in mind, they would like to have some questions by our members. Ask them about some specific issues you may have with post processing your photos. You can leave a comment below or email me at webmaster@fontenelleforestphotoclub.org . I will forward them on to Jerred and Jeremy. Please send as soon as you can. Thank you.

Meeting Schedule is FULL

We have speakers for the rest of the scheduled meetings for this year. Please check out the Calendar on our home page. The May meeting will be our raptor shoot at Camp Brewster.

Photo Displays

Forest______ Mammals of Fontenelle Forest

Bellevue Library_____ Sunrises and Sunsets (from anywhere)

Bring your photos to the February 20 meeting. They will be hung in March.

Video for Example of Post Processing

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Upcoming Meeting January 16

Our next meeting will be on January 16, 2025 at the Forest and will be starting at 7:00 PM.

Our guest speaker will be Phil Swanson. His presentation is “Birds of the Warbler Yard”

From Phil Swanson

I call my presentation “Birds of the Warbler Yard”.
Over the years I have seen more species of birds in my yard than any other yard in Nebraska. Just last year I saw the 170th bird species in the yard. It was a beautiful Olive-sided Flycatcher catching bees and wasps from my grape jelly feeder.
My slideshow video will show many of those 170 species in my backyard environment. The photos and some short videos will let you see their actions and  behavior. I’ll follow the video with a short presentation giving some tips on how I attract birds to the yard along with some stories.

My bio:
I have lived in my same home in Nebraska since 1971. I started birding in late 1981 and a few months later my good friend, Andy Saunders, at that time Chief Naturalist at Fontenelle Forest, convinced me to photograph birds. I photograph the birds for documentation but obviously try for better and better photos.
I have photographed over 1400 different species world wide. Within the ABA area which is the Continental US and Canada I have seen 730 species and photographed 729 species which at one time was in the top ten in the US. 

Photos Displays are now up

We have put up “Birds of Fontenelle Forest” at the forest and “Bridges” at the Bellevue Library.

Now We Need More, Different Subjects

At the January and February meetings we will be collecting Mammals of Fontenelle Forest and Sunrise/Sunset photos.  Mammals will be a challenge –there are actually 18 mammals listed in the FF guide but some are really hard or nearly impossible to see.  

Featured Photo

Tory Ewing
Tory Ewing

Birding Video

About 11 and 1/2 minutes

In Closing

Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday season and hope we all have a Happy New Year. Please comment below. Leave me your thoughts about doing this year’s photo contest “on line”. This means no printed photos that will hang somewhere. Our judge will judge you .jpg photo files.

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Photos for Displays

We Have Enough

Thanks to all who  sent in Bridges and FF Bird photos.      WE NOW HAVE ENOUGH.  These displays will go up in January.

Now We Need More, Different Subjects

At the January and February meetings we will be collecting Mammals of Fontenelle Forest and Sunrise/Sunset photos.  Mammals will be a challenge –there are actually 18 mammals listed in the FF guide but some are really hard or nearly impossible to see.  

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Still Need Some Display Photos

Hi Phil..Could you please send out a blast to the members that we still need some display photos this week if possible?

Birds of Fontenelle Forest


They can be dropped off at: 

Mary & Brent Headley.   19340 J St near 192nd & Q,  bbribsyum@gmail.com

Phil Mininni.  621 S 51 Ave.  webmaster@fontenelleforestphotoclub.org

Kathleen Crawford-Rose.  123 Bellevue Blvd. S.   katcr@cox.net    

Can you please look at your many photos taken in the past and see if you have “Birds of Fontenelle Forest” and/or “Bridges”. Email the person closet to you and contact them to get your photo(s) to them.

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New Bellevue Library

Photo Club Display

From Howard Carson

Today I was in Bellevue and I stopped at the new Library. Your photo display looks great. Professional display. Just like an exhibit at a museum.

Great job. Thank you for making it look so nice.

Thank you to Donna Gray and her volunteers who worked on this new display at the new Library.

Pot Luck Dinner Christmas Slideshow

Thanks to all of you who sent in photos for the slideshow. I received photos from 12 members. See you all on December 19.


Bob Kerry Bridge by Jason Bowers

One of the photos from upcoming slideshow.

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Pot Luck Dinner Reminder

Members and Their Guest Only

Dinner will be at the forest. Show up at 7:00 PM on December 19. There will be a slideshow. And Sue Mininni is working on table center pieces that each table will raffle off for their table’s center piece. Hopefully you all have already signed up to attend and indicated type of dish to share. The club is getting fried/baked chicken and sodas/coffee.

Photo Displays

Bring your photos to December meeting (Pot Luck) for the forest and library displays.

Bridges” for the Bellevue Library

Birds of Fontenelle Forest” for the forest display

December Meeting Slideshow

I have received photos from 6 members. I would like to see more members send me photos, 3,4,or 5 photos. There is no particular theme other than to think “Anything Goes”. Send me your photo files to webmaster@fontenelleforestphotoclub.org

Treasurer’s Report

From Kathleen Crawford-Rose

Greeting all.

November 1 balance   $752.77

Income from dues          20.00

Expenses                               0

November 30 balance  $772.77

In Closing

If you cannot make it to the Pot Luck Dinner, I want to wish you all a Very, Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Happy Holidays to all of you! And did I mention we are looking for a couple of volunteers to be our president and vice president. I know this is sounding old, but we need you. Please comment below or send to me anything that is on your mind. Send to webmaster@fontenelleforestphotoclub.org

Don’t forget to send me your photos for the slideshow.

Winter Photography

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Pot Luck Dinner December 19

FF Photography Club Notice

Our December 19th meeting will be our traditional potluck dinner with a member’s anything goes slide show.

Club will provide the baked and fried chicken and drinks.  Please bring a side dish, dessert or other item to share. 

RSVP to Mary Headley by December 13th (the sooner the better)

Please let her know if you will have a guest (they are welcome) and what you will bring (if you know).

VERY IMPORTANT!  Please send Phil, our web master,  3 to 5 slides to share with the group.


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Photo Displays

This is an updated list for our members.

Consider this your homework assignments for the the rest of the year and next.


We are trying to make photography for display at Fontenelle Forest and the Bellevue Library a little easier for everyone.  For 2025, these will be the “homework” assignments for the display photos at both locations.  Knowing the topics in advance, should make it easier for those wanting to participate to have photos ready to go when needed.   So,  when you are out and about, keep the list handy!

The first display for January, 2025, will be:

Fontenelle Forest:   Birds of Fontenelle Forest – prints due at the November and December meetings.

Bellevue Library: Photos of Bridges  taken anywhere.   Prints due at the November  and December meetings.

Happy shooting!


Due dates for photosFor Fontenelle Forest DisplayFor Bellevue Library DisplayHanging the Displays
Due in Nov./Dec.2024Birds of Fontenelle ForestBridgesHang in  January 2025
Due in Jan./Feb. 2025Mammals of Fontenelle ForestSunrise/sunsetHang in March 2025
Due in March/April 2025Spring in Fontenelle ForestVacationsHang in May 2025
Due in May/June 2025F.F. LandscapesContest WinnersHang After Contest Take Down Date
Due in Sept. 2025Plants /FungiMacroHang in Sept. 2025
Due Oct./Nov. 2025Winter in Fontenelle ForestHolidaysHang in November 2025
Due Nov./Dec. 2025What’s in the WaterReflectionsHang in January 2026
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