March 16 Meeting Reminder

Please remember to come to our March 16 photo club meeting at 7:00 PM. Visitors are welcome. Check out the “Upcoming Events” at the bottom of the website home page for directions to the Fontenelle Forest.

Guest Speaker – Albert Rhea

His subject is Bird Photography. Albert currently has an exhibition at Lauritzen Gardens through April 2, 2023,

Treasurer’s Report

From Kathleen: Beginning and ending balance for February 2023 is $1178.59. No income and no expenses. December dinner expenses still pending.

Bellevue Library Display

We need “Monument(s)” photos. Bring them to the meeting

Nikon This Month

Tory Ewing sends us this;

Click on Nikon

Capture Emotion

Click on Emotion

Thanks Tory.

National Wildlife Photo Contest

Entry fee required

Kathleen sends us a reminder

National Wildlife link

Tips and Tricks Video

Final Thoughts

Congratulations if you have gotten this far in the post/blog. It takes some time to put this info together. Thanks to Tory Ewing and Kathleen Crawford-Rose for contributing to this post. You too can send me things you think might be of interest to our members and the world. This can include your photos that I can spotlight for you.

Don’t forget about our photo portfolios. You can display your photos. You can include your own watermarks. You have to send them to me for now as I haven’t figured out how to set up the site for you to upload to it. Send your photos to webmaster I have put in general watermarks on the photos submitted so far. Check it out at this link .

Please leave any comments below if you have any questions or if you are volunteering to be our president and/or vice-president.

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March 16, 2023 at 7:00 PM is our next meeting

This is when our next meeting at the Forest will be held. Of course weather is a concern. We had to cancel our last two meetings because of the snow storms. Fingers crossed!

Photo Displays

We need “Monument” photos for the the Bellevue Library.

The Display at the forest has come down. The forest is remodeling the Baright Gallery. The forest is giving us wall space in the hallway between the Atrium and the Forest Room where we meet. We need your thoughts about a subject, such as birds, flowers, plants,…etc. for our hallway gallery. By our agreement with the Fontenelle Forest, photo images must feature themes that can be found in nature (ideally Fontenelle Forest specific), but not mandatory.

Photo Club Photo Contest info

Bellevue University is having an employee art show. This will impact our photo contest display. Here is a schedule:

Setup: – Saturday June 10, 2023

Critique: – Thursday, June 15

Take down: – Saturday, July 8

It will be slightly less time hanging in the gallery but we didn’t have a choice due to the University’s in-house art show.

Albert Rhea

Albert will be our speaker for the March 16 meeting. Albert’s subject will be bird photography. Albert is having an artist reception at Lauritzen Gardens March 5th from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. The reception is free admission. His exhibit will be at the garden February 23 through April 2. Albert says it would be a great lead-in for his presentation at our upcoming meeting on March 16.

Photo Contest

Kathleen sends us info about a photo contest from the National Wildlife Federation. This is a fee based contest.

Love is in the air! February often brings cold weather, but we hope the tender gaze of this mating pair of Atlantic puffins warms your heart.Photographs like this one, which came to National Wildlife magazine through our annual photo contest, can evoke powerful emotions—from love and compassion to fear and wonder. We want to see it all, so we encourage you to enter your images of wildlife and nature in our 2023 contest. Please enter today for your chance to win.Enter Today! By entering, you may have the chance to see your favorite image of wildlife or nature published in our award-winning magazine and shared widely online. Winners will receive cash prizes. The grand prize winner will be honored with the National Wildlife Nature’s Witness Award and receive $5,000. The winner of our portfolio category will receive $750. In each of the eight additional categories, first place wins $500 and second place wins $250. Photo contest entrants are also eligible for the People’s Choice Award. Anyone 13+ years of age can get in on the fun and vote.Even more important, the modest entry fee supports the conservation work of the National Wildlife Federation, which is dedicated to ensuring that wildlife survive and thrive. So your entry is a gift of love to all creatures that share our world. And if you choose to donate your image, that gift goes even farther to support conservation. We will love seeing your photographs of wildlife from around the globe or your own backyard, so please enter today.Good luck, and Happy February! Lisa Moore   Sincerely,Lisa Moore
Editorial Director, National Wildlife Magazine

Here is a link to their website

Bird Photography Tips

Around a 14 minute video. There is an advertisement by the authors.

In Closing

We still need to get a president and vice-president for our club. Please consider volunteering.

That’s about all for now. I will post another reminder about the meeting before March 16. If you have any thing you want to know more about please comment below. Or send an email to the webmaster

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Another Meeting Cancelled Due to Storm, February 16, 2023

Is there a black cloud hanging over our photo club? Two cancellations in two months. After discussion with Kathleen about this and it’s worse in Bellevue, the photo club meeting is cancelled. I had my fingers crossed. I’d rather be on the safe side.

Please let your close meeting partners know about cancellation. We have been experiencing some members not getting the word when something new is posted. Kathleen is going to email members also. I will attempt to let the forest and our speaker know too!

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February 16, 2023 Meeting

Don’t forget to come to our February 16 meeting. It is on a Thursday and starts at 7:00 PM. Brad Williams will be our guest speaker for this meeting. Hopefully there will be no snow to contend with. I hope to see everyone there.

About Brad Williams

The Short Story:
I am an Omaha, NE based Photographer who loves to photograph Landscapes, Cityscapes, Architecture, Wildlife, and Railroads. I strive to show every subject in its best light.

To see the long story check out Brad’s website .

Fontenelle Forest Photo Display changes

The Forest has started renovating the Baright Gallery. The forest has removed our display racks. They are storing them. Kathleen has taken the photos to her house and is storing them for now. We are being given the hallway walls leading into the big room we meet in. We need suggestions for our first display subject. How about “Spring in the Forest” or “Fontenelle Forest Tree Species”. And get a plan of how we will arrange them. We can use our contest sign till June. So do we need to order a new sign? Kathleen will tell us about the need to make a new one.

Treasurer’s Report

Jan. 31, 2023 Balance is $1178.59

We had no expenses or income.

Upcoming expenses will be from the December potluck.  Please bring your receipts.


Tory Ewing sent us some info from NIKON.

Go to this link NIKON

NIKON Photo Contest

Short video about NIKON’s Contest

Go to this link Contest . Thanks Tory

Still need a President and Vice-President

Enough said on this.

Please comment below if I have forgotten anything, which is probable. Or bring it up at the meeting on Thursday.


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January 19, 2023 Meeting Cancelled

The Executive Board has decided that Thursday, January 19, 2023 meeting at Fontenelle Forest is cancelled. This is due to the snow storm that is coming on Wednesday and Thursday. Our scheduled speaker cannot make the meeting either. Kathleen should be be sending out emails to all our members of this notification also. See you in February.

Bellevue Library Display

The Dyes wants to remind all that they need more “Monuments” photos for the Bellevue Library display. Please bring to the February 16th meeting.

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Meeting on January 19 and Pictures for Forest and Auctioned at Fundraiser

Upcoming meeting January 19, 2023

Our meeting will be at the forest and start at 7:00 PM. Albert Rhea will be our guest speaker. Below is a biography and an artist statement from Albert. His subject will be on bird photography.

Member Photos Auctioned Off.

Photos by Donna Gray and Kathleen Crawford-Rose


Child”s Hollow

The above photos taken by Donna Gray and were auctioned at fundraiser “Feather Our Nest”

This color photo was printed on the card sent out for the Forest’s fundraiser campaign “Feather Our Nest”

The Owl photo was taken by Kathleen Crawford-Rose. It was auctioned off too!

Congratulations to Donna and Kathleen!

Wildlife Photography Video

This is about 11 minutes long. Very interesting.

That’s about it for now. Please comment below or email questions to webmaster

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Christmas Slideshow and Photo Contests


We had our Christmas Pot Luck dinner at our last meeting December 15. We showed a member’s photo slideshow. For those of you who could not attend, check out this link Slideshow . These photos are on the new Zen photo app. This is a site connected to our website that you can have your photos shown here under your name.

I want to thank the Dyes, Headleys, and Mininnis for their hard work setting up and organizing the pot luck.

If you are interested in having your own portfolio added to this, contact your webmaster . Please note this is for Fontenelle Forest Photo Club members only.

Bird Spotter Photo Contest

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology is holding a bird photo contest. Check the link to their site BirdSpotter .

Your photo has to be in by February 5, 2023.

Nebraskaland Magazine photo contest underway

The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will accept submissions for the 2022 Nebraskaland Magazine photo contest through Jan. 1, 2023. click on the Nebraskaland for details. Submissions needed soon!

One of Our Member’s is ill

Jim Hughes has become very ill. Lorraine has sent me info. She says Jim might enjoy cards sent to him. I don’t want to post his home address for all the world to see (literally). If you would like to send Jim any Christmas and/or encouragement cards, contact your webmaster for his address. Thank you!

Photo Club members must be members of the Fontenelle Forest

We were given a list of 6 members that are not members of the forest. We will be getting a hold of them to verify their status.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

To everyone and I hope it will be a better year for all!

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Pot Luck for December 15 Meeting.

It is that time of year. Club members voted to have a pot luck dinner for the December meeting. Kathleen has been a major force in organizing this event in the past. She won’t be able to this year. Your webmaster will try to coordinate the event with help from Mary Headley and Sue Mininni. This dinner is for members only and their guest(s). I hope to see you all there December 15 at 7:00 PM.

RSVP by December 13

The club will provide chicken (fried and baked), soda, coffee, plates and silverware. Members should bring a side dish, salad or dessert. We need to get a head count so we know how much chicken to buy. Also need to know to have enough tables set up. You can send me that you are coming and how many. Email your . Also we need to get an idea how many side dishes, salads, or deserts are coming. We want to keep from getting 15 salads and one desert. I believe in the past these were pretty evenly sorted.


Annual Christmas Slideshow for December 15 meeting.

Once again we will have a slideshow at our pot luck dinner. Please send to the 4 or 5 photos of your choice to share with the club. Be prepared to talk about your pictures. The cut-off date for photo submission will be December 13.

New portfolios/album for the website

Our particular website portfolio section has room for only 10 portfolios. Brent Headley came up with a app that allows more. This would allow more members to literally have their own link to their own portfolio. If you are interested in having your photos in this gallery, let me know. Check out this site. For now you would send me photos and I will post for you. Later on as I learn more on the usage of the site, You may be able to add your own photos to your gallery/album/portfolio. In any case you will have your own link you can share photos with other people.

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Meeting Reminder November 17, 2022

Our meeting will be on Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 7:00 PM. Please note it will be at Camp Brewster. The address is 1313 Bellevue Blvd N. Bellevue, NE. Google Map link . Camp Brewster is a little north of the Fontenelle Forest.

Our guest speaker is a representative from Rockbrook Camera Center. He will talk about some of the new equipment in photography. Just in time for Christmas.

To have or not to have

We need to vote on whether to have a pot luck dinner for our December 15 meeting. My vote is to have it.

Please leave a comment below with your questions, thoughts, and suggestions.

And don’t forget to consider volunteering to becoming our president of the club.


Jason Bowers and Donna Gray are scheduled to bring treats for the meeting.

Nikon | Learn & Explore

Tory Ewing sent us some links to a Nikon site for Learning, Tips & Tricks…etc. is a link to the Nikon Learn and Explore webpage.

Accessories Video

This video is a little over 14 minutes. Enjoy!

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