September meeting is September 21 at 7:00 PM
This is a long post, as there is a lot going on. Please look over all of the information below.
Our theme for the night will be "Great photos of what we did this past summer."
Please email 3-4 photos to the webmaster of your best summer photos as soon as you can.
And, see below about bringing prints of Anything Green for the next Bellevue Library display.
Election of Officers
We are still looking for a President and Vice President. The new President and Vice President will have complete support of the Ex, as well as the support of the board members.
EX-President Phil will no longer be acting as the de-facto president. He will continue as Webmaster.
Annual Dues are due
Annual dues will remain at $12 for an individual, and $20 for a family. Members must also be current members of Fontenelle Forest.
Sign up for treats for the upcoming year
A sign up sheet will be circulated at the meeting. Dick and Patrick Keefe, and Kathleen are covering the September meeting.
Two More Great Reasons to attend the September meeting
Prize Drawing for the September meeting
Phil, your Ex-EX-President, is donating a handmade cutting board as a prize. These are nice! Tickets will be handed out to members who pay their club dues the night of the September meeting.
see the our New photo gallery, currently featuring raptor photos. There were a lot of raptor photos submitted, so if you don't see yours on display right now, it will be rotated with the current photos.
Treasurer's Report and other comments from Treasurer Kathleen
Beginning and ending balance $591.83
No income or expenses this period.
The new raptor display looks GREAT! Please congratulate the members on the great photos they submitted. We have enough that we can exchange them in a couple of months.
Can’t remember if I mentioned that we received a nice thank you from the forest for our club donation to the Raptor Team.
Bellevue Library Displays
Currently on display: the winners of our 2023 photo contest.
Next up: ANYTHING GREEN. Please bring your printed photos to the September meeting.
And after Anything Green, MIDWEST SCENICS.
Upcoming meetings
October 19th meeting: Jay Davis is our scheduled speaker, and his subject is "From Camera to Print."
Jay is a professional Architecture and Commercial photographer, and past club member.
November 16th meeting: Aaron from Rockbrook Camera will present our annual “great new equipment and gadgets from Rockbrook” meeting. Just in time to make your list for Santa. Thanks to Donna Gray for arranging this.
If YOU have any suggestions for future topics or speakers, please bring your ideas to the September meeting.