Fontenelle Forest Photo Club Meeting minutes
Location: | Fontenelle Forest |
Date: | 4/21/2022 |
Time: | 7PM |
- Welcome by President Phil Mininni.
- Attendees: 27. No Zoom meeting was held.
- New members: None
Judy and Frank: Out of town. Kathleen took Raptor photos for Forest display. Kathleen will ask Judy for some photo topics for the next club year so we can take them over the summer. Fountains will be the next topic for photos to display so please bring to the May meeting.
Kathleen: Treasurer’s report: amount in Treasury is: $1476.67. She asked the club to donate $300 to the Raptor Program to help provide food for the Raptors. Unanimously approved.
Brent: No news.
Sue: No news.
Donna Gray: Due to personal reasons she has resigned as our photo club contest organizer. We wish her the best and hope to see her at future meetings.
Terry and Donna Turner: Have volunteered to take over Photo contest duties.
Kathy Holm: No news.
- Our presenter was member Donna Turner and she showed us some of her post processing skills. It was an excellent presentation.
- Thanks to Linda Shuett and Linnea Baney for the treats tonight.
- ***Treats for the May meeting: Will be provided by Jean Lindfors but we also need at least one more person to volunteer to bring them. Email me at if able. Thank you.
- Next month, May 19, 2022 the meeting will be at Camp Brewster for our Annual Raptor Shoot. It will be at 6:30 (note time change) with the Raptor Shoot first then afterwards will be the meeting.
- Forest partnership with the photo club– Phil, Kathy, and Brent had a Zoom meeting with Dana Meyers and Emily Prauner. They are working on a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with us. It was suggested by us that if we can’t provide enough photos of the Forest could they just be photos focused on Nature. There were no hard decisions made on photo selection. Emily was a guest at this meeting and spoke about opportunities to display some of our photos in the Forest newsletter. The Baright Gallery is being revamped. They spoke about having a student discount for joining the Forest as well as we could have one for joining our club.
- Photo Contest: Setup is Saturday May 28th from 10-12. Awards will be Thursday June 16th for our regular meeting held at Bellevue University. Take down of photos will be Saturday June 25th from 10-12. Watermarks or names are not allowed on the front of the photos. Jay Davis has agreed to be our Judge this year. Labels were available to pick up to put on your photos. Winning contest pictures will be displayed at the Bellevue Library.
- Ken Smith (Astrophotography) is still willing to take people out May 30th from 12 midnight to 4am or July 28th 11pm to 4am or maybe sometime in June. This will be in southeast locations in Iowa. Should be two groups of 9 people max. 18 showed hands that they were interested in doing it.
- A suggestion was made to maybe come up with a card to display at various places to promote our club.