October 19, 2023

Fontenelle Forest Photo Club Meeting Minutes

Location:Fontenelle Forest
Time:7:00 PM

Welcome by Brent Headley

I. Old Business:

Open Positions: We are in need of volunteers for the Photo Club -President, Vice President and

Photo Display Organizer

  1. If no one volunteers for either position then the executive board will rotate conducting the meeting.
  2. Brent thanked Phil Mininni for his 3+ years of serving as President of the Photo Club.
  3. Brent thanked Frank and Judy Dye for their hard work handling the photo displays over the years. Frank have stepped down as the Photo Display Organizers for the club.
  4. Member-at-Large Board Member: Brent thanked Andrea Kuhn for volunteering.
  5. The display @ Bellevue Library was changes today to “Anything Green.” Thank you to Kathleen Crawford-Rose, Jim & Andrea Kuhn, Allen Kurth, Phil Mininni and Brent & Mary Headley for changing out the display.
  6. Fontenelle Forest Exhibits: All photos for FF display must be taken at Fontenelle Forest or Neal Woods.

Raptor Photos are on display thru December. The next display exhibit for the FF will be Fall @ the Forest.” Please bring your photos to December meeting:

Bellevue Library Exhibits:

October/November/December: The Anything Green photos are currently on display @ the Bellevue Library. The next exhibit at Bellevue Library: “Midwest Scenic Please bring your photos to December Meeting:

Future exhibit: photos for the Bellevue Library & FF displays may be brought to the monthly meetings. You may also drop off prints @ Kathleen’s house, 123 Bellevue Blvd S. katcr@cox.net or Phil’s house, 621 S. 51st Ave philo.pm51@gmail.com.

  1. Kathleen reminded members their PhotoClub annual dues are due. Photo club members please check that your Fontenelle Forest membership is current. She reminder members to pick up the contest photos from the display.
  2. Kathleen also thanked those members who donated photo for,” Feather Our Nest” fundraiser for the Fontenelle Forest.
  3. Howard Carson spoke about the Adult Zoo Photography Workshop he has been organizing with Mike Benkis. The date will be Saturday November 4th, cost is $40 per person which includes entrance to the zoo. They prefer a minimum of 10 people in the group. A show of hands from members indicated 11 members interested in participating. Please let Howard, Brent or Phil know, as Mike needs to confirm our spot.

II. New Business:

  1. Photo Pills: Ken Smith provided the Photo Club with a link to Low Level Light Photography with Milky Way Photography. Phil will post to website for our members.
  2. Kathleen reminded the members the hallway display area @ Fontenelle Forest will be painted the week of 21st. We will exchange the Raptor photos when we re-hang the display. The display will be taken down tonight and Phil will store photos at his home.
  3. Need ideas from members for Future displays @ Bellevue Library and Fontenelle Forest.
  4. Need member ideas for future Speaker/Programs for February, March and April 2024
  5. Tonight’s Speaker: Jay Davis gave a great presentation to the club tonight on “From Camera to Prints.” He provided tips and tricks for editing photos for contest submission. Phil commented that he will post this information on the website.
  6. Attendees: 23
  7. New members: no new members tonight.

III. Input from current officers and committee members and helpers:

Photo Display OrganizersJudy and Frank Dye have stepped down as chairs of the Photo Display Organizers for the club. “Thank You” so much to both for organizing the Photo Displays for the Bellevue Library and Fontenelle Forest over the years. The club truly appreciates all the time and effort they put into these displays.


Treasurer- Kathleen Crawford-Rose: Treasurer’s report: Income from dues $320.00

Expenses: 2 ribbons for members choice $53.28

Balance as of Sept 30, 2023 $858.55

Secretary- Mary Headley:Mary thanked everyone for signing up for treats. She will send out a reminder a week before each meeting. She also reminded members to check their contact information for accuracy.

Member at large new board position: Andrea Kuhn:

Photo Contest Organizer- Donna Gray:

Webmaster- Phil Mininni: Phil asked if members are receiving emails when items are posted to the website. Please work with Phil if there is an issue.

Brent Headley (helps webmaster and with video at meetings and other volunteering)

IV. Speakers/Programs:

October 19: Speaker-Jay Davis “From Camera to Prints”

November 16: Speaker-Aaron from Rockbrook Camera-New equipment and gadgets from Rockbrook

December 21: Potluck- Members Photo Night

January 18, 2024: Rockbrook or Allen Kurth

February 15, 2024:

March 21, 2024:

April 18, 2024:

May 16, 2024: Raptor Shoot

June 20, 2024: Photo Contest Presentation

Treats (brought by): Jim & Andrea Kuhn and Brent & Mary Headley

Submitted by Club Secretary: Mary Headley