November 18, 2021 Photo Club Meeting Video

We had our November 18 meeting at Fontenelle Forest. It was a live in-person meeting and a Zoom meeting too. I want to thank Kyle Sorys and Brent Headley for running the camera and monitoring the zoom call. I want to thank Kathleen Crawford-Rose for setting up the Zoom meeting and getting the invites out to our members. We also recorded the meeting to post on our website. I know now I have a face for radio. Not so much for video.

Fontenelle Forest Photo Club Meeting, November 18, 2021

November 18, 2021 meeting minutes

Fontenelle Forest Photo Club Meeting minutes

Location:Fontenelle Forest
Attendees:Number in attendance-18 in person, 4 zooming

Agenda items

  1. Welcome by President Phil Mininni.

New members: None

Treasurers report by Kathleen: Reminder to pay dues tonight was given if you hadn’t already. Amount in Treasury is: $1444.67

Brent: Nothing new

Sue: Need one more volunteer to bring treats in December. Email Phil if interested.

Judy and Frank: When turning in photos for display at the library or the forest write on the back of your photo if you want it returned to you or not. They have been having a lot of trouble getting members to pick up their photos when brought to the meetings. Some members asked that we publish a new list a few months ahead of time of future topics to be on display so we have enough time to gather them to submit.

  • Donna Gray: Photo contest will be back at Bellevue Univ for next year with dates locked in unless Covid takes a turn for the worse.
  • Thank you to Terry and Donna Turner and Emmet Egr for the treats tonight.
  • Update with Diane Kinney and Lorraine Feldhausen on compiling a 10-question survey for our members to complete through Monkey Survey. It will be published mid-December.
  • The meeting with the forest to go over issues with our website as not been scheduled yet as they have not responded to Phil’s email.
  • It was voted no for a potluck dinner in December. We will have Ken Smith present again on Astro/Star photography. He has an updated presentation from when he presented in the past.
  • Tom Boggs was chosen by the forest to use one of his photos on a Thank you card sent to Forest members for joining the Forest. Congratulations Tom!
  • All contest photos are on the club website now.  If there are mistakes or missing photos, please let Phil know.

Aaron Frey was our presenter from Rockbrook Camera and brought in some cameras and other equipment and talked about what is new.   

Submitted by Club Secretary: Sue Mininni

Rockbrook Camera

Thank you Aaron Frey for showing what’s new in equipment. Our members were impressed with the gear you showed us.

Next Meeting December 16

This meeting will be a regular meeting at Fontenelle Forest. By popular vote there will not be a “pot luck” dinner. We will also attempt to do a Zoom call as well as an in-person meeting. Kathleen will send out invites by Monday, December 13.

Astrophotography for December Meeting

Ken Smith will be our program presenter for the December 16 meeting. He has updated his program for star


October Expenses

Kathleen reports;

Hi Photo Club Board Members.

Updated Treasurer’s Report

August 31st  Balance        $1331.16

                Dues income           324.00

Sept. 31st Balance             $1655.16

                Dues income             36.00

                Expenses: Contest   246.49

Oct. Oct. 31st Balance     $1444.67

Contest expenses are ribbons, $171.49 and judge gratuity, $75.00

   Contest ribbons, $171.49

    Contest Judge,      $75.00

New Balance         $1444.67

Christmas Lights Photography

Here is a short video about taking photos of Christmas lights.

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