2024 Photo Contest

2024 Photo Club Contest Information and Guidelines

2024 Photo Club Contest Information and Guidelines
Guidelines for the 2024 Annual Fontenelle Forest Nature Association

Photography Club Show

Bellevue University Hitchcock Humanities Center / Criss Auditorium
Hello to All Fontenelle Forest Nature Association Photo Club Members:

Set – Up – Saturday, May 25, 2024, 10:00 AM

Critique and Awards Presentation – Thursday, June 20, 2024, 7:00 to 9:00 PM

Take Down – Saturday, June 29, 2024, 10:00 AM

Questions – Contact Contest Coordinator: Donna Gray – Email: djg618@yahoo.com
Who:  Any member in good standing of the Fontenelle Forest Nature Association Photo Club. 
(Only Fontenelle Forest Photography Club members who are up to date regarding Club dues are eligible to enter photographs. If you are unsure of your status, check with Club Treasurer Kathleen Crawford Rose.)
The show contest coordinator and current President of the club reserve the right to remove an
entry not following the rules set forth in the category descriptions below.
“Novice Class”:  This is open to club members who have NOT won a first, second or third place
in any individual category, or Overall Show award in prior years’ photography club shows.
If there are less than five entries in any novice category, those entries will be automatically
transferred to the advanced categories.
“Advanced Class”:  This is open to club members who have won a first, second or third place in
any individual category, or an overall show award in the prior years’ photography club shows.
No exceptions for class designation.  If any member new or old feels they belong in the
advanced class, they are welcome to enter their photos into this class.
Continental US, outside continental US, any nature themed image where the focus or subject IS
NOT manmade objects, including urban, city, pets, and Humans.  Must be a nature-based photo
taken by a club member.

Any living creature (not a bird), wild or domesticated, including pets. Not humans.
Any bird, wild or domesticated, including pets. Not humans.
A minimum of ten bird or animal photos are necessary to have a separate category. If there are
less than ten bird or animal photos, all photos will be included in the Animal category.
 A photo where the following are the main subject of the photo – any flower, plant, fungi or
Anything Goes: (Combined category – Novice & Advanced)
Any photograph not meeting the requirements of the 3 categories listed above.   Also, any
photo that is over enhanced or un-naturally manipulated will be entered into this category.
* Photos may be moved to another class up to the point of judging for awards if the Contest
Judge, Photo Contest coordinator or club president feel an entry was categorized incorrectly
at check-in.  These contest rules are their guide, and any corrections to classification are final.
Prints can be color or black and white.  Prints that have been previously designated as award
winners – including honorable mention at previous FFNA club shows are not eligible for entry.
Members may enter a total of four photos in the contest. Watermarks or any feature that
could identify the photographer are prohibited on the photos entered in the contest.
How to Present Your Prints 
 Prints are to be either framed (wood, metal or plastic frames) with or without a mat or printed
on a metal or matboard surface. A wire hanger must be attached to the back.   
 Size of frame: Minimum outside dimension of the shortest side of the presentation will be no
shorter than 5 inches, maximum outside dimension of the longest side of the presentation will
be no longer than 25 inches. 
 Entries that are presented with no glass or Plexiglas are accepted at the entrant’s risk for
damage by print handlers/displayers.
 Each entry is required to have the Photographer’s name, address, and phone number on the
back of each photo.

 Contestants may enter up to 4 prints into the show. The contestant is responsible for deciding
which category to place entry(s).   (One in each category or all in one category or any
combination you desire.) Contest coordinator and club president have final say of excepting
entry or on category classification at time of set-up.  The Judge may also move a photo to
another category at the time of judging.
 Entry Cards: White for Novice, Yellow for Advanced, Blue for Anything Goes will be available
starting at the April Club meeting. Contestants will need to complete entry cards prior to
arriving at the show set-up.
 Email a digital copy of the entered photos to the photo contest coordinator in jpg (jpeg) format.
Don’t worry about file size. I will take care of any resizing that needs to be done. If you don’t
know how to convert to a jpg (jpeg) file, just email what you have, and I will convert as needed.
If your files are large, you may need to email them one or two at a time due to email
restrictions on file sizes. Please have your photos to me between May 15 through June 7,
2024 . No earlier, no later. Email them to djg618@yahoo.com Failure to send a digital
photo will result in disqualification in the contest. These are needed for the PowerPoint
presentation on the critique/awards night.
The email information will include the category name, whether you are entering as a Novice or
Advanced, the title of the photo and if it was taken at Fontenelle Forest. Make sure your name
is also included in case it is not part of the email address.

In each Class and category:   First, Second, and Third Place (24 Ribbons)
Anything Goes Category:       First, Second, and Third Place (Combined Classes) (3 Ribbons)
Overall Show Awards: 
Best of Show – all classes, all categories
Public’s Choice – all classes, all categories
Club Members Choice – – all classes, all categories
Best Black and White – all classes, all categories
Best Photo Taken at Fontenelle Forest (Must designate on entry card)

Total of 32 Ribbons to be awarded at this Year’s Show (If all categories are filled)!
All first and second place winners and overall show winners will be displayed at the Bellevue
Public Library over the summer months and returned at our first club meeting in September.
All winning photos will be displayed on the Fontenelle Forest Photography Club’s Website.
Last revised on 03/22/2024